Oishee's Poems

Poetry is supposed to be the 'spontaneous overflow of powerful emotions (well, almost)....These however, are some crazy experiments and explorations in expression. Er...actually not even that. It's just my space :) Read at the risk of your impending boredom ;) The actual dates of all the poems is missing:( But does that really matter so much?:)

Friday, March 30, 2012

Five Years On

It has actually been a little more than five years since I last wrote a poem or story. Is it unfortunate or just the spring hiding under the sheet of snow, I don't know. Perhaps I should have written. Written something. Like I always did. It didn't have to make sense. Nothing I ever wrote, ever did. But at least I wouldn't forget words.

Yeah...words seem to be slipping away. It's odd, like some kind of a language schizophrenic thingy or something or selective amnesia for words in general. I mean, FIVE years is a lot to bridge. Coming to think of it, it has been nearly the same time that I've started to meditate. God, I hope there is no connection between the two. Language of the soul shouldn't necessarily do away with language of the intellect.

I never remember words well enough to string them together. It's a frustrating experience. It's almost like a part of my brain refuses to stay on its toes. I don't like it, so off late I've been trying get back on my feet.

I forced myself to write a short poem the other day. And I noticed that it was quite different to what I used to write before. Earlier, all things inanimate and imaginary were personified in my own mindspace so much so that others who read it would often be totally clueless about the poem and think that I am either absolutely nuts or amazingly talented. Which is why I wonder, is this one too dry? Does it lack life?

Though, I hope it helps me remember words again.


The wind swept the fields clean,
As she raced over the land.
But somehow missed taking with her,
A seed in a rooted hand.

It lay alone, no friend no foe.
It seemed like such a pity.
But the sun god cherished,
While the raindrops nourished,
And the gentle breeze whispered a ditty.

It drank with hunger and lapped the drops,
That pierced the parched red earth.
Eager to stretch and touch the sky,
It was ready to now take birth.

A few more days and it finally emerged,
A fresh and tender green sprout.
But if only it could save itself from the wind,
On her wayward turn about....

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Goodbye She Waves

Goodbye she waves,
To the rippled sands,
Where once she toyed,
With floating shells.
And while she looks in,
Through the water
At signs of those times...
They lap her feet-
All scattered and lost,
The grains of moments
Dissipated and gone.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Kindergarten Dreams

A distant world of wonder,
Stares through a dusty veil,
That glimmers in the light of laughter,
And memories set sail.

Where stars speak a secret tongue,
And imagination swoops high,
Leaping and circling magically,
Kissing a lone moon in the sky.

Where candyfloss melts into sweet nothing,
As one watches the clouds float.
They part to reveal knitted rays-,
Golden threads of a sun-soaked cloak.

Where the many games with its many rules,
Have countless roles to play.
Mothers and hunters alternate,
With each new wondrous day.

Where yellow flowers carpet the earth,
Under a spreading tree.
Inviting mischief makers and stargazers alike,
To create a lasting memory.

Where candles mark the joyous start,
Of another youthful year.
The spirit of celebration strengthens,
Warm wishes wash away tears.

Where morning breeze chills the nose,
And the noon calls for more play,
And midnight brings along with it,
Dreams that make their way,

Through myriad corners of a miniscule mind,
With thoughts soaring high.
The unthinkable becomes reality,
All possibility comes alive.

It is a world that no longer seems,
Distant, far and away.
For, the forgotten dreams spring to life,
In memories that for and ever stay.

The magic works with belief,
The golden rays shine bright.
A make believe world turns real,
Basking in the light of life.

Friday, October 06, 2006

The Moon-Mother

Night beckons stealthily,
Deep mysteries of the inner mind.
And wraps in her dark arms,
Pain and pleasure,
Of infinite measure,
So she may toss it,
Unto a Higher plain.
Where a peppered sky stares,
Indulgent and alert,
At a world lost deep in slumber.
And cradles a spotted globe,
Dressed in pristine robes,
As she looks about,
With innocent wonder.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Fireflies of Time

Skeletons of yore,
Do hound me still...
Though long before,
They’ve risen in smoke...

Afraid of the flames,
Backwards I trip...
Though the faces in flames,
Draw me close...

I circle the pyre,
And hover around,
Singed by many memories.
And yet I struggle,
To flee the shrouds,
Of reawakened retold stories.

Inch by Inch,
Closer I edge.
Knowing my fate shall be burnt.
Stronger I grow amidst the lapping flames,
Certain that I will return.

To glower through the menacing fire,
(Built on a raging, sturdy pyre)
At flights of fears and fancy.

That once I was,
And so they shall be,
The past of a past that had been.

So flicker and flit to the tall flames,
Unsure, scared and blind.
Become me as I will you,
The fireflies of time.

The Mad Woman

Gouging the mind
from the twisted brain,
sorting the mixed up thoughts,
she finds a box so carefully laid
with ideas never before sought,
laden with dust and body juice,
it lies frozen at the back,
and as she breaks through the congealment,
the mad woman in the attic attacks.

Hungry Songs

Fumes from nascent blooms,
Guide a naive love,
That wishes with surging desire,
A blend of warm touch,
To cocoon a throbbing heart.
While a sterile silence
Laden with prodding urgency,
Whispers notes of hungry songs.
And in the chaotic quietude,
We find...us

I, The Tree

So what if one day,
A few leaves may betray.
The tree shall stand always,
Sturdy and tall…

Knowing Love

I feel the ocean wind in your breath.
And see the moonlight in your eyes.
Sprightly sparrows echo,
In your cackling laughter.
And, I am compelled to summarise,
Why is it so,
That the bees that earlier bugged me,
When they buzzed about my ear,
Are music to me now,
And intently I hear,
As if driven into a somnolence so deep,
That dreams seem a strange surreal reality.
Brown no longer appears muddy
But the mottled colour of a moth.
Green isn’t as commonplace
As previously I thought.
Jeers and jabs make me smile
As if watching a comedy.
Anger evades my elusive mind
As if captured by tranquil melody.
What is this knot in my rib
That clenches my restless heart?
Why this unexpected exaltation
Of joys ignored thus far?
I think, I ponder.
I sing, I wonder.
And as if magicked by fairy dust
I realise,It’s love!

Love by the Sadistic Sea

As the crimson sky gleams,
And the gentle waves tap,
The patient tortured rocks,
I look into your liquid eyes,
And feel unmistakeable warmth.
As the languid breeze caresses,
And the urgent sea tows,
The loyal sand,
You press my nervous hand,
And a surge of joy beats,
Through my longing soul.

But, the inflamed sky turns bleak,
And the waters whisper knowingly,
Prophecies of moments to come:
You blink away the warmth,
And withdraw your loving hand.
So I stand injured and alone,
No more than a fool, bitter.
While the rocks yawn,
The wind cackles, and
The nasty waves titter.

From O to Yo

Happy birthday to my guitar loving, long haired pesky friend and brother! :)

I have in my mind,
A little picture frame,
Through which peers,
A briliant bright smile.

I store in my heart,
A little music box,
Through which I hear,
Melodies for miles.

I carry with me,
The melody and smile,
Everywhere that I go.
A part of a friend,
Who stands by me,
And shall always, I trust and know.

A silky wave, that's his hair.
An earring that adds to the dimple.
As good as gold, my dear friend's,
As clean and clear as crystal.

His silly pranks amuse me a lot.
The strumming warms my heart.
And just when you think he's all grown up,
He'll go right back to the start.

I chide him no end to chop off his mane.
It curtains his sense of hearing.
But finally I think I'll let him go,
And leave him to his youth and growing.

I may not be the perfect friend,
But you're the best a friend can have.
So a gift to you, my friend my bro,
Is this little poem,From 'O to Yo'

To Jo- A Best Friend and Sister

To Jo- A best friend and sister!

A special place in your heart,
Are stolen by a select few.
To speak of such a strong soul,
Words enough, I wish I knew.

For English is not as vast,
As the reach of her resplendent smile.
A girl so fresh and pure,
I've known not for miles.

Friend, you have been there,
Through tides high and low.
Zapping me back to reality,
When I know not where to go.

No act is warm enough,
To tell you how much I care,
And though I stink at rhyme,
With this expression I dare to dare.

For many will always tell you,
That they like you best.
But now these words shall stand-out,
From the mundane prose of the rest. ( ;) )

With heartfelt earnest wishes,
I hope your dreams come true.
And bless you with a lifetime of joy,
My friend I shall always walk by you.

A Divided Bond of Love

Each day she looked.
At him passing by.
Wholly unaware that,
He looked on the sly.

She counted the hours,
To see his brown face.
Braiding her hair,
Arranging the lace

Wild flowers in hand,
He came one day.
She stood so nervous,
As he tried to say.

She hoped to hear,
What she dreamt all along.
He gave her the flowers,
And sang her a song.

The words were sweet, honest and new.
Her stomach lurched.
It was love and they knew.

They sat together,
Alone in twilight.
Darkness a companion.
Stars in sight.


Not far they heard,
A growing murmur.
Thumping feet and,
Flames coming nearer.

Before they knew it,
They were caught in the fire.
A line of divide-The lower and higher.

Soon after they were forgotten,
And the world trudged along.
Lines of divide seeming,
Ever so strong.

And, once again,
They were caught in the fire.
A fresh bond of love,
An untimely pyre...

The Aftermath

Silver bells faint and far,
Sound a sly glimpse of freedom,
Amidst chaotic cries.
As lives lie still and stunned,
Ravaged by hate and lust,
And hearts too hardened to hurt.

A final crack consumes the air,
And peace prevails once more,
Dreading its complacent calmness.
But hearts stripped of humanity stare,
With fearful eyes and ghostly faces,
At a bleeding, barren world.
As the silver bells faint and far,
Sound a sly glimpse ...of a dream.

The Staggerer

With a lasso round the neck,
The faceless master-
A cold blue face,
And, rolling red robes,
Drags about a man-like beast.
He stumbles, he yelps,
He whimpers, he pleads.
But, the brute drags him along,
On an endless journey
Along a stony path.
Where the water lays still,
No moss, no weed.
The cries are unheard.
The feet shuffle and kick.
The crimson knees,
Bend and trip.
But, he drags along.
His mouth agape.
The eyes haunted.
The soul hunted.

The Sinking Stern

Had she known of the impending storm,
Of the doom,
And the fall,
The ship would never have sailed.
Had she known of the broken hearts,
Of the tears,
And the loss,
The ship would never have sailed.
Had she known of the savage tides,
Of the dull clouds,
And the looming skies,
The ship would never have sailed.
But, the unsteady sands,
Have waved goodbye.
The people around,
Have kissed and cried.
The ship has sailed,
Never to return.
Hearts are hurt,
Broken and burnt.

To a Friend...

Let me see that playful smile,
When your heart rejoices.
Let me see those starving tears,
When you're bogged by life's choices.
Tell me of your worries and pain,
Trust that I will hear.
I may not have all the answers,
But, I will share your fears.
All I ask is you sing and dance,
And stand here by my side.
And hold me close and help me sail,
Through life's endless tides.

Confinements of a soul, Confessions of the heart

I am trapped in a dead end zone.
The giant wall mocks me.
I grope frantically.
There is no way out.

Darkness falls quickly and quietly.
Like the laced curtains in a theatre.
And I wait for a new show,
A brighter next day.

I press myself against mossy bricks,
Looking at the scary presence of nothingness.
Gravity drags me and I crouch
Silently in a corner...waiting...

Far away I see a blinding light,
Like flashing emergency lamps
Or like ones in a lighthouse.
The guiding light I cannot reach.

My pocket bears a dry pen.
The ground is firm and smooth.
I can coat the earth with feelings galore.
And my words will be un-eraseable.

So, I scribble away designing
Nameless, mindless fears...
The nib beating
Against the chest of the earth.

One over another, I engrave my words.
They shine like gold
And glow like phosphorous.
The dark corners are ablaze like day.

In a single, long night,
The moon waxes and wanes
Revealing new letters each time.
They will be here for eternity.

I have done what I must do.
So I sit and wait for a new prisoner
With fingers spread out like claws,
My skin wrinkled like prunes.

I have lost my form.
I am a watery fluid
Floating in air.
Gaping like a fish.

The light shimmers on my face.
And I am a resplendent ghost.
A lonely, white manifestation Of emptiness.

I am the only captive
On a desolate lonely land.
Iam a waiting ghost
While the light gleams far away, unreachable for infinity.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Caught in the Act

She sits at her desk
Scribbling with care
Weaving words
Straight from the heart.
The lazy arm
Rests as a bow
While the wrist sways
Like an agile snake.
The light of the dark
Kisses her soft arm
And the tiny hairs
Glimmer like gold
The ink dances with passion
Upon coarse loose sheets
And the candle flickers impatiently
As she writes in peace.

Beats of a Resounding Heart

The well is deep.
The water shallower still.
The measly stone
makes no splash.
Just a deafening sound
Of silent life.
Perhaps its the same sound
that will resound in this stone wall,
When what goes down
Is a measly me.

The Sequined Veil

She sits alone
Under a dipping tree
Staring at the vast space
Languidly outstreched above.
The giant fireflies
Sparkle in her eyes.
The infinite shamiana
Yawns with placid arrogance.
She is nothing more
Than one of the many
Tiny immaculate specks
Of a sinister universe.


Love, like,
The air between my fingers,
Passes through my life
I know the scent.
I fathom its essence.
I close my fist
And try to lock,
That familiar longing;
That unknown restlessness,
That wrenches my heart.
But, it passes through,
Like a menacing angel.
And all that remains is,
The memory,
Of the familiarity;
The fragments,
Of a broken heart;
And a struggling soul,
That trudges along.

The Trembling Hand

Strike a tong.
It shivers.
Like a lonely leaf,
Falling from a tree.
Flick a fly.
It flutters.
Like a lost warrior,
In his last battle.
Unleash the heart.
A restless soul,
Staggers out,
And the body lies vacant .
Waiting for a new master,
A fresh life,
A new self,
Another, mangled heart.

The Dark Holds No Terrors

The endless darkness frightens me no end.
I stumble across memories-
Happy, wondrous, depressing...
I trip and fall over a chest,
As dark as the charcoal around.

In a flood of light,
Spring out colourful beetles.
Each whispers chants into my ears.
I shrink, afraid of the sight...
The noise and... all the commotion.
They glide over my skin. The tingle makes me calm.

I listen quietly now.
The soothing buzz gives way
To a haunting lull
There is a tranquility about the peace.
The night has it’s own identity.
The horrifying breeze, now cools my neck.

It glazes over my arm,
Making it’s way into my garbs.
The chill soothes my skin,
I draw in the pristine air.
An eclectic mix of the gush of wind,
Caressing me inside and out.

I shut my eyes.
It is darkness within the dark.
But, the beetles shine bright
The dark holds no terrors.
Slowly I rise. Quietly, I leave the dark chamber.

The Untrammelled Road

It lurks in dark corners,
Like a fugitive on the prowl.
And like a ripping lightning,
Strikes you unaware.
Grey clouds turn sinister...
Darkness haunts the eyes...
The grains of time,
Slip away like a slithery fish.
The deafening thunder,
Brings a new birth.
It is the fateful beginning,
Of life after life.

All around there exists,
The damask of nothingness.
Nothingness- a tangible
Essence of this new world.
A winding path,
To see and discover,
And grasp the air,
Of that which no longer remains.
The clouds rise,
In spiral smoke,
Synecdoche of terror.
The beginning of another end.

There is nothing beyond
This endless odourless smoke.
But the lone traveller still fears
The lurking phantom.
For, it is unknown-The future of this new life.
An endless journey?
The road with another end?
It is the inevitable.
The definite goal of a thumping heart.
An utterly strange (in)experience.
It is the faceless knight named death.